Spring, Finally

So yesterday we took a little drive to the cottage. It's finally "Spring" here.. a bit of snow remains if you can't tell by these pictures. Almost everything is frozen over, but it was somewhat warm yesterday. So we opened up the windows and aired out our (1971) motorhome.  Oh, and we found some bubbles. Enjoy.

What we'll be spending our summer in ;)

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Daydreaming Again

The title says it all. I've been daydreaming of more places I'd like to visit. One of these including Greece. 


Some Random Things I Love

A photoshoot with Jake: 


First, let me just apologize right away for the lack of posts in the past couple of weeks. I have been quite busy with school and trying to find work.. I know, I know. No excuses.I just simply haven't had the time, or the right ideas for that matter.

I spent the day with Ryan today. It was wonderful, as always. We didn't do too much.. we ate pizza, watched tv, and played that old fishing game we used to play as kids. We went for a long walk with his little brother.. which was my favourite part. We go on a lot of walks while I'm at his house. Mainly because it's surrounded by trees and little streams. And it's beautiful. I love walks with Ryan, it's a nice time to talk about things. Today was chilly, but we had fun.

Freckles and pizza sauce.

Just Random

I've been spending waay too much time online, and I've recently found a few websites that I thought I'd share with you. Not because these blogs are "okay" but their actually i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e and definitely worth cheking out.

First up, Max Wanger. I found out about his website through Instagram. (Weird, I know). Anyway, I spent literally almost 3 hours scrolling through his pictures. Their all just SO beautiful. He's a great photographer.. one of the best I've found. I love all of this photos, their all bright and happy. Check him out, you'll love his site.

Gorgeous, right? ^These are taken with an iPhone. Can you believe that? 

Next, OhDearDrea. I've been following her blog for awhile now.. and I'm still an avid reader. In fact, she was one of the main inspirations for my blog. The decor in her home is (incredible!!), her daughter is adorable, and she shares really cute DIY's.